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The recovery of the injured muscles were studied in young (aged 1 month), adult (aged 3–4 months) and old (aged 24–30 months) outbred male rats (24 animals in each group) after alloplasty of the injured area with the muscle tissue taken from the animal of the same age under the conditions of implantation of muscle tissue, non-irradiated by laser, into the area of injury of the muscle irradiated by laser (1st series) and vice versa, implantation of the muscle tissue irradiated by laser, into the area of injured non-irradiated muscle (2nd series). It is shown that in each age group in the 1st and the 2nd series, the allogeneic muscle tissue is is capable of regeneration. The regenerate mass s and the proportion of muscle tissue in them tended to be greater in the animals in the 1-series, as compared to those in the 2nd series. Alloplasty with the muscle tissue of the animal of the same age was more effective in young rats than in the old ones.

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About the authors

N. V. Bulyakova

RAS A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution


V. S. Azarova

RAS A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution



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