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The study of the vascular bed of the upper extremities was performed by the method of anatomical preparation of 24 for-malin-fixed cadaver specimens from 5 men and 7 women and by the injection of black latex into the arterial bed of 4 male and 4 female cadavers (16 specimens). The arteries, directly feeding the bones, and the arteries that provide blood supply to the muscles, attached to the bones, were studied. M. pectoralis major, m. pronator teres, m. pronator quadratus, mm. lumbricalis and interosseus were examined. These studies were followed by the experimental surgeries during which bone grafts on vascular pedicle were formed and moved. It was found that the feeding arteries of the bone grafts on musculo-vascular pedicle were: on the clavicula - the branches of a. thoracoacromialis, on the brachium - muscular branches of a. brachialis, on the proximal parts of forearm bones - muscular branches of a. radialis and ulnaris, on the distal parts of forearm bones - the branches of a. interosseous anterior, on the metacarpal bones - the branches of aa. metacarpalis palmaris and dorsalis. The size of the bone transplants is determined by the size of the defect of recipient field and varies from 3 to 8 cm. The displacement of vascularised bone graft can be made over the distance from 4 to 8 cm.

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About the authors

I. V. Gaivoronskiy

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; St. Petersburg State University


S. I. Mikityuk

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


N. G. Gubochkin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy



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