Variant anatomy of the internal iliac vein and its applications

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The article analyzes the data of special literature devoted to the variant anatomy of the internal iliac vein (IIV), its structure and morphometric characteristics. The evaluation of variant anatomy on postvital material was carried out in different years by P.A. LePage (1991), D. Venieratos (2012), P. Kanjanasilp (2019). An extensive analysis of the architectonics of the main trunk of the IIV according to vestibular methods (n=2488) was performed by M. Shin (2014), who identified 8 variants. This approach formed the basis of a similar work (n=1071) by A. Hekimoglu (2021). Morphometric study of IIVs was also performed by D. Sat-Munoz (2020), M. G. Shkvarko (2021). D. Sat-Munoz categorized the variants of IIV formation into 3 types, according to the classification of R. Gregoire (2007), based on the relationship of the IIV with the artery of the same name. According to D. Kachlik (2010), in most cases (about 50%) the root of the IIV is the internal genital vein, which penetrates into the pelvis through the subclavian orifice, in 30% of cases the anterior and posterior trunks can be identified in the architectonics of the IIV by analogy with the internal iliac artery, which are the roots, in 20% of observations the IIV trunk is formed by many small tributaries and the identification of roots and trunks is not possible. According to our data, the typical variant of the IIV formation is the one in which its roots and tributaries (except for the umbilical vein) correspond to the branches of the artery of the same name, and a typical variant of the IIV architectonics should be considered the fusion of the anterior and posterior trunks, the roots of which are the internal genital vein and the superior gluteal vein, respectively. All visceral tributaries flow into the anterior trunk, and almost all extramural tributaries accompanying branches of the internal iliac artery flow into the posterior trunk. It was found that the majority of authors studied the architectonics of the main trunk of the IVC without systematization of its tributaries.

About the authors

Valery Rumyantsev

Military medical academy

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7526-6282
SPIN-code: 8166-9820

adjunct, Department of Naval Surgery

Russian Federation, Russian Federation, 194044, Akademika Lebedeva St., 6

Ivan V. Gaivoronskii

Kirov Military Medical Academy; Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7232-6419
SPIN-code: 1898-3355
ResearcherId: А-6482-2016

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), professor

Russian Federation, Russian Federation, 194044, Akademika Lebedeva St., 6

Dmitry A. Surov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4519-0018
SPIN-code: 5346-1613
Scopus Author ID: 445844

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), associate professor

Russian Federation, Russian Federation, 194044, Akademika Lebedeva St., 6

Gennadiy I. Nichiporuk

Kirov Military Medical Academy; Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5569-7325
SPIN-code: 3532-1203

Cand. Sci. (Med.), associate professor

Russian Federation, 194044, Akademika Lebedeva St., 6

Oleg V. Balyura

Kirov Military Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7826-8056
SPIN-code: 9260-9850

Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Russian Federation, 194044, Akademika Lebedeva St., 6


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