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The dynamics of the distribution of GABAergic neurons and neurons expressing different types of GABA receptors (GABAAα1 and GABAB1) was studied in Bötzingercomplex (BötC) in the early postnatal period (the period of functional maturation of the respiratory system in mammals) in norm and prenatal reduction of serotonin content in Wistar rats. The brain was studied on postnatal Days 5, 9 and 20 in two groups of rat pups: control (n=9), born by intact females, and experimental (n=13), born from mothers that received parachlorophenylalanine, causing the depression of endogenous serotonin level. Imunocytochemical methods were used to detect the neurons producing GABA and expressing GABA and GABA Aα1B1 receptors. It was shown that the maturation of the inhibitory GABAergic network in BötC occurred in the early postnatal period (by Day 9). Simultaneously with GABA, the expression of GABA and GABA Aα1B1 receptors took place, however their maturation has the distinctive features. The formation of GABAAα1 receptors occurred earlier (by Day 9) and coincided in time with the expression of GABA. The maturation of GABAB1 receptors happened later - only by the third week. Prenatal serotonin deficiency caused a delay in the expression of GABA and GABAAα1 receptors by the neurons of BötC, as well as the disruption of the formation of a network of terminals and synapses containing GABA, GABAAα1 and GABAB1 receptors.




L. Khozhai

I. P.Pavlov RAS Institute of Physiology


N. Ilyichova

RAS Institute of Cytology



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