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The characteristics of the structure of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in individuals with different direction of growth of the facial part of the skull were studied. Cone beam computed tomography data were analyzed in 16 young (mean age 29±7 years) orthodontic patients (32 joints) before treatment, which had class II dentition ratio. The patients were divided into 2 groups (4 men and 4 women in each): with strongly expressed vertical and horizontal types of facial growth. In patients with a vertical type of facial growth, the reduction of the size of joint spaces was noted in anterior, posterior, upper, oral and buccal parts of TMJ. In patients with a vertical type of facial growth anterior articular angle was smaller than in those with a horizontal growth type. The data obtained indicate the relationship of the structure of TMJ and the direction of growth of the facial part of the skull.




K. Galebskaya

St. Petersburg Postgraduate Institute of Dentistry


R. Fadeyev

St. Petersburg Postgraduate Institute of Dentistry


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