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Objective: immunohistochemical study of the distribution of neurofilament (NF) light chain proteins in the cingulate cortex and adjacent areas of rat forebrain. Material and methods. Distribution of NF light chain proteins in rat cingulate cortex and adjacent areas of the forebrain was studied immunohistochemically on adult male Wistar rats (7 animals) using monoclonal antibodies specific for 70 kDa NF (2F11 clone). Results. NF light chain proteins were found to have irregular distribution in the brain with the maximal expression in the singular neural pathways and the white matter of motor, somatosensory, and insular cortex. Intense 2F11-immunoreactivity was observed in the dorsal (but not ventral) part of the corpus callosum, thus, indicating the difference between the axons of the ventral part of the corpus callosum and nerve fibers of other pathways in their content of NF light chain proteins. Among the brain grey matter areas, most pronounced 2F11-immunoreactivity was found in the cingulate and retrosplenial cortex, where a distinct laminar pattern of immunoreactivity was observed with two layers of intensive expression of NF proteins alternating with much weaker stained layers. Laminar pattern of NF distribution was not found in the neighboring secondary motor cortex, which was immunostained as intensively as the cingulate and retrosplenial ones, but homogeneously. More lateral neocortical areas exhibited very low NF immunoreactivity. Conclusions. The present study demonstrated a laminar pattern of NF-containing nerve fiber distribution in the cingulate and retrosplenial cortex as well as their irregular distribution in the corpus callosum and the effectiveness of antibodies to light chain proteins of neurofilaments (2F11 clone) for labeling the nerve fibers in neuroanatomical studies and analysis of brain myeloarchitectonics.




I. Grigoriyev

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology 12 Academician Pavlov Str., St. Petersburg 197376

O. Alekseyeva

Institute of Experimental Medicine; I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry

Laboratory of Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology; Laboratory of Comparative Respiratory Physiology 12 Academician Pavlov Str., St. Petersburg 197376; 44 Moris Torez Avenue, St. Petersburg 194223

O. Kirik

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology 12 Academician Pavlov Str., St. Petersburg 197376

D. Sufiyeva

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology 12 Academician Pavlov Str., St. Petersburg 197376

D. Korzhevskiy

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Email: iemmorphol@yandex.ru
Laboratory of Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology 12 Academician Pavlov Str., St. Petersburg 197376


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