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The purpose of this paper was to examine the possibilities of engraftment, and to study the differentiation of the dissociated cells from the embryonic primordia of the spinal cord and the neocortex of Wistar rats, after their transplantation into the sciatic nerve of adult animals. The cell suspension obtained as a result of a dissociation of fragments of the cervical spinal cord and the anterior cerebral vesicle from rat fetuses at day 15 of development, was injected into the proximal segment of a previously damaged sciatic nerve. Using the immunocytochemichal marker of neural stem/progenitor cells (Msi-1) the transplanted cells were identified in the nerve trunks after 1 day after the operation. After 21 day some of these cells underwent differentiation into NeuN-immunopositive neurons, however their number was small. Thus, dissociated precursor cells from embryonic rat spinal cord and neocortex survive for three weeks under conditions of transplantation into the damaged nerve and retain the ability to differentiate into neurons, but the number is small. Most of the cells in the neocortex transplants, unlike those from spinal cord transplants, within 21 days after the operation were represented by the ependymocytes.




Ye. Petrova

RAMS North-Western Branch Institute of Experimental Medicine

Ye. Isayeva

State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations

D. Korzhevskiy

RAMS North-Western Branch Institute of Experimental Medicine



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