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E-cadherin is one of the most important cell adhesion molecules, which plays a key role in embryogenesis and adult tissues under normal conditions and during tumor development. Molecules of E-cadherin are located at the epitheliocyte surface and take part in the adhesion contacts formation which are a characteristic feature of epithelial tissues. The role of E-cadherin is not only in the maintenance of intercellular adhesion, but also in provision of cell proliferation and differentiation through participation in the realization of a number of signaling pathways, the main of which is the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. This review provides basic information regarding the role of E-cadherin in human ontogenesis in norm and pathology




Yu. Zasadkevich

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies Centre of Rendering the Specialized Medical Aid to the Population


S. Sazonov

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies Centre of Rendering the Specialized Medical Aid to the Population



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